How many slides should I order?
Not all stairs are alike. And since there's no way for us to know your stairs' measurements we can only offer a recommendation based on user feedback. One StairSlide typically covers the first three steps. Because they are meant to overlap, add one StairSlide for every two steps after that. Our popular 4 pack covers about 9 stairs—a great start for any StairSlide career!
How safe is StairSlide?
Naturally, there’s inherent risk when you use any slide, but it’s worth the risk. StairSlide is certainly safer than other ways we’ve slid down the stairs (e.g. laundry basket, mattress, cardboard box, family cat, etc.). Remember, the longer the slide the faster you'll go. And bend at the knees when you land on your feet! Landing on your bum is not recommended.
Is there a weight or age limit?
That's kind of a heavy question. Ongoing field testing has yielded promising results: We recommend StairSlide for ages 3-12 even though it can support a person up to 175 lbs without showing signs of structural weakness. We will continue to make recommendations that help ensure the safety of our users.
Is StairSlide too fast?
There are a couple of factors that determine your StairSlide’s speed:
What’s your stairset’s incline?If your stairs are somewhat on the steep side, this will translate to your StairSlide.
How many sections make up your StairSlide?The longer your slide is, the faster it’ll be; for example, a two-section StairSlide will be slower than a 4-section StairSlide.
How can I slow down StairSlide?
If you’re worried your StairSlide is too fast, there are measures you can take:
Leave a step uncovered at the bottom of the StairSlide.When you think of a standard playground slide, the end never goes straight to the ground; there’s usually at least a foot of space between the ground and the bottom of the slide.
+ For younger kids, they can slide on their belly feet first.
Cushioning counts. Going fast can be fun! But going fast without the proper cushioning? Not so fun. Pile the softest, plushest pillows and the comfiest couch cushions at the bottom of the StairSlide.
For younger kids, try sliding on the belly with feet first. Toddlers learn to go down the stairs by crawling backward; so, if your child isn’t comfortable sitting up on the StairSlide, they can still have fun sliding on their belly!
Use the Low Impact setting. The StairSlide can be set up in two different ways: High Adventure & Low Impact. High Adventure is the standard setup, but Low Impact allows the slide to end on a slower gradual slope. For visual depictions of the two setups, read our blog post, More Than One Way to Slide
Want more tips for a comfortable sliding experience? Read our 10 Setup & Sliding Tips!
What are Stairslide dimensions?
Each StairSlide is approximately 43 inches (109 cm) long, 19 inches (48.3 cm) wide, with a 13 inch (33 cm) seat. A single StairSlide weighs just over five pounds (2.4 kg).
Does StairSlide work on wood or non-carpeted stairs?
Yes. And StairSlide does not damage non-carpeted stairs when used properly.
What is StairSlide made out of?
StairSlide is made from durable, lightweight polypropelene. Polypropelene is impact-resistant and able to withstand heavy use as well as has some added flexibility. Oh, and magic fairy dust!
When will my order ship?
Orders are processed within 1-2 business days (excluding weekends/holidays) after receiving your order confirmation. You'll get a nifty notification after your order ships. We’re sending them as fast as we can, but you can’t rush stair sliding perfection.